Natural Objective Morality and the Upton Scale
Using the Upton Scale there is now a way to understand and apply natural objective morality without an external supernatural source. Click to find out how.

Best of: Richard Dawkins
This is a great compilation of Richard Dawkins moments featuring powerful rebuttals and a few pointed jabs that are always entertaining.

Steve Shives’ 10 Questions for Every Atheist
I’m pleased to share some Steve Shives here. Everything he does is relevant to what I like to talk about here but I don’t want to turn into The Steve Shives Channel, although I would watch it. Many of these questions are relevant to an Agnostic and the answers are great. This is a good watch.

Sam Harris on Witchcraft
This is why I love Sam Harris. He not only makes perfect sense but he is really funny. This clip sold me on Harris and the rest of his collective works made a big impact on me.

Fiercely Ignorant: A Handbook for the Militant Agnostic
Science isn’t revealed information from a supernatural force so it can be used to learn new things. It has the luxury of being wrong on one subject without disqualifying everything else learned on the topic. Science grows and becomes more beneficial over time because every time it is proven wrong scientists get back to work and get it right.