Learn More About New Friends Risk Free
It’s always fun to meet a new person at work or in the neighborhood. What may not be so fun is trying to feel out their political leanings without setting off a chain of comments that lead to criminal activity. It has become important to be able to learn more about...
Emails Reveal Clinton Consumes Victims; Is Ancient Monster
Secretary Clinton’s email scandal continues as FBI reveals she is a flesh eating evil spirit that has haunted mankind for centuries. Click to learn more.

Dan Patrick has a little tweet.
The image above is a response to an image tweeted by Dan Patrick. I will not be reproducing it here so if you haven’t seen it go look it up, its everywhere. Or don’t, you don’t need to see anything like that. As a Texan I am not shocked over the...
Fun with the Common Core Standards Initiative
If you have kids you have probably helped them with their homework recently. In doing this you were exposed to something called Common Core Standards, or just Common Core. This new set of learning standards was developed in 2009 and allowed to slowly roll out over the...
NRA Solves Theater Shootings With MovieGun
Today The National Rifle Association announced a new program that is designed to prevent future mass shootings in movie theaters across the United States. Along with their partners Cinemark USA and Arms Technology Inc. the NRA is preparing to roll out MovieGun.